At this cocktail workshop, you'll discover the most typical combinations of drinks in Cuba and learn how to make the traditional Trinidad. Get ready for a delicious experience!
At the scheduled time, we'll meet on Callejón de los Gallegos, and once together, we'll begin this cocktail class in Trinidad. Ready?
You'll first be shown how to prepare 3 very typical Cuban cocktails. Among them is the most traditional cocktail in the city, called the "La Canchánchara", made from lemon, honey and other delicious ingredients that you'll discover during the workshop.
Afterwards, with the help of our mixologist, you'll try to make your own drink with whichever ingredients you'd like to combine. In addition, you'll get to try three cocktails, as well as the one you've made yourself. Cheers!
The workshop will be brought to. anend after around an hour and a half together.
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