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Activities in St. Petersburg

Alexander Nevsky Monastery & Dostoyevsky Tomb Tour

On this tour of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery, you'll visit one of the oldest buildings in St. Petersburg, its cathedral, and the necropolis where Dostoyevsky's tomb can be found.

On this tour of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery, you'll visit one of the oldest buildings in St. Petersburg, its cathedral, and the necropolis where Dostoyevsky's tomb can be found.

Alexander Nevsky Monastery & Dostoyevsky Tomb Tour

At a selected time, we'll meet at Alexander Nevsky Square to begin our tour of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery. Did you know that it's the oldest and largest monastery in St. Petersburg?

The Alexander Nevsky Monastery was built in 1710 by order of Emperor Peter the Great to guard the remains of this saint of the Orthodox Church. We will enter the grounds to visit its elegant buildings and discover its history.

First, we'll see the cemeteries of Lazarev and Tikhvin, two necropolises where several prominent figures of Russian history were laid to rest.

There, we'll find the tomb of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, one of the greatest figures in world literature. It'll be the perfect place to remember the immense influence his literary work still has to this day, characterized by a deep psychological approach. Also, we'll see the burial place of the composer Tchaikovsky.

Currently, the monastery is run by the orthodox bishop Nazarius, an eminence in the city. If we're lucky, we may find him walking through the courtyards and gardens, but if not, you can meet him through his Facebook profile!

After the visit to the cemetery, we'll head to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, which is a magnificent example of Petrine Baroque in St. Petersburg. After hearing some interesting facts about this Orthodox temple, we'll enter its naves to admire its splendid decoration.

Finally, we'll end the visit after two hours of sightseeing.

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Meeting point

Arch of Alexander Nevsky Square

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