Coloured houses, a statue of an executioner... discover the history of Poznan with this free tour around its beautiful old town.
Poznan Free Tour
From the legend of the city's famous Billy Goats, to the stunning architecture and great food you might not stumble across otherwise - this free tour of Poznan is an essential starting point to any visit in the city!
Leaving from Plac Wolności (Freedom Square), with its own long history, dating back to the second world war and further... Then over an hour and a half, you'll meet Poznan's most famous sons and daughters. From the city's "pranger", perhaps the worst job in history, to the Bamber who carried wine to the Old Market Square. And perhaps you'll be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the White Lady: the ghost of Toefilia z Dzialynskich Szoldrska-Potulicka, who legend says leaves her portrait at night to roam the streets on a black horse...
Renaissance architecture and endless history: this is a tour not to be missed for anyone looking to experience the history and charm of this Polish city!
Our free tours are designed for individual travelers or small groups of friends and family. In the best interest of our tourists, we try to keep our groups relatively small. We cannot accept groups larger than 6 people on our regular tours and the guide has the right to refuse them. If your group is larger than 6 people, please check out our private tour of Poznan.
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