Behind its sturdy towers and walls are hidden palaces and cathedrals, civil buildings and other treasures... Find out the secrets of the Kremlin with this guided tour.
At 2:30pm the tour begins at the Kutafiya Tower, access point to the Kremlin monuments. On our tour of this giant walled space, we will visit its principal points of interest.
Such as the Cathedral Square, where we will begin the tour. This is a group of religious buildings, from which three examples stand out: three orthodox temples, the cathedrals of The Assumption, The Archangel and The Annunciation. This large open space was the habitual coronation place of the Russian Tzars. Having visited the interior of these cathedrals, we return to the square, where a tall, gold domed tower is sure to pique our interest: the Ivan the Great Bell Tower; a tower which during the Napoleonic invasions, French troops tried without success to destroy.
The tour then stops before the Tzar Cannon, with the largest calibre in the world at 890mm, it was premiered in the 16th century during the reign of Tzar Feodor I and weighs nearly 40 tonnes. Around the corner too is the Tsar Bell, the largest in the world with a weight of over 200 tonnes.
We will continue through the Kremlin to see from the outside the civil and governmental buildings of the Kremlin: the Grand Palace, the Senate, the Kremlin State Palace and the Russian state government offices.
The tour ends at 4pm.
Why Reserve this Tour?
The walled area of the Kremlin occupies a space of 27 hectares, a space which can be overwhelming if visiting unguided. With this tour, the guide explains the principal monuments and curiosities of the Kremlin, enabling you to gain a deeper understanding of the history behind them.
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