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Transfers in Mazatlán

Rating of the activity

Private Shared

10.00 / 10

1 review | 57 travellers

10.00 / 10


2 reviews | 175 travellers

Customer scoring


Type of traveler

All reviews are from 100% real customers. Find out more
Customer reviews

All comments are reviews from actual customers who have purchased this activity - you can only submit a review once you have participated in the activity. When Civitatis receives the User's review and rating, it will review it and publish it as soon as possible on the Website. In any event, Civitatis will publish User reviews provided that the content of the review is not unlawful, obscene, abusive, threatening, defamatory, invasive of third parties' privacy, or otherwise objectionable to third parties, and provided that the content of the review does not incorporate advertisements or links to other websites and/or the review does not correspond to the service being reviewed.

When Civitatis receives the User's feedback and rating, it will be reviewed and published as soon as possible on the Website.

In any case, Civitatis will publish User reviews provided that the content of the review is not unlawful, obscene, abusive, threatening, defamatory, invasive of the privacy of third parties, or otherwise objectionable to third parties, and provided that the content does not incorporate advertisements or links to other websites and/or that the review does not correspond to the rated service.

From US$ 22.60
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Transfer services: safe, reliable and on time

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