Submerge yourself in the magical waters of Foz with this amazing snorkeling experience. You'll discover the fabulous marine ecosystems of the Galician coast.
At the designated time, we'll meet up on Rúa Manuel Murguía in Foz. Once we've gathered with the instructor, we'll make our way to Rapadoira Beach, where we'll hop on a boat and head out into the mighty Bay of Biscay!
When we find the ideal spot, it's time to dive into the water and start snorkeling. Get ready to catch a glimpse of the diverse marine life that calls the coastal area and Foz estuary their home. Our awesome marine biologist will be there to guide us through the underwater world, showcasing the amazing marine ecosystems and the plants and animals that inhabit the waters of Mariña Lucense.
After two hours of snorkeling fun, we'll cruise back to where we started and wrap up our aquatic adventure.
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