Take part in an exciting visit to a filigree laboratory in Dorgali to discover the typical Sardinian handicraft and its traditional techniques.
At the indicated time, we'll meet at Via La Marmora to visit a filigree laboratory in Dorgali, a small village nestled in the heart of Sardinia.
Once we've all met up, we'll enter a goldsmith's workshop to meet Mattia. As we see how he does his craft, he'll explain the traditional techniques that he uses to create jewellery.
Mattia will tell us step by step how he carries out this filigree technique. First, we'll fuse the precious metals to give shape and consistency to the jewel. Then, we'll continue with the lamination, the drawing, the design and, finally, the creation of the jewel.
After an hour, we'll conclude the experience and say our goodbyes.
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