
10 of the World’s Tallest Waterfalls

Need inspiration for your next trip? Check out 10 of the world's tallest waterfalls - absolute must-sees for nature lovers!
20 July 2023

Whether for their vertiginous falls, the landscapes that surround them, or the beautiful snapshots they create, waterfalls are one of nature’s biggest attractions. At Civitatis, we bring you a list of 10 of the world’s tallest waterfalls—focusing mainly on the best ones to visit: absolute must-sees for your next trip!

Some of the world’s tallest waterfalls

  1. Angel Falls, Venezuela
  2. Tugela Falls, South Africa
  3. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe & Zambia
  4. Iguazu Falls, Brazil & Argentina
  5. Niagara Falls, Canada & United States
  6. Skógafoss, Iceland
  7. Vinnufallet, Norway
  8. Yosemite Falls, United States
  9. Olo’upena Falls, United States
  10. Epupa Falls, Namibia

1. Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel Falls in Venezuela is considered the highest waterfall in the world, featuring a plunge of more than 800 meters (2624 feet). This epic waterfall was discovered by Europeans in 1933, when aviator James Angel was flying over the Venezuelan jungle. From that moment on, it went not surprisingly from being a secret of the Pemón indigenous people to an authentic icon of the country.

Vista aérea del Salto del Ángel
Angel Falls– the world’s largest waterfall

2. Tugela Falls, South Africa

Next, we move to the Drakensberg Mountains of South Africa. There lies Tugela Falls, second on the list of 10 of the world’s tallest waterfalls, with a combined total drop of 948 meters (3110 feet). Upon arrival, two trails lead us to the falls, which consist of five distinct drops, creating one of the most impressive landscapes of the country, especially during the rainy seasons.

Vista aérea de las Cataratas de Tugela con las nubes en la parte baja
Tugela Falls, one of the tallest waterfalls in the world

3. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe & Zambia

Our list of the world’s tallest waterfalls continues with Victoria Falls, a natural space shared between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Here, the Zambezi River pours into a gorge 108 meters (354 feet) deep, making it the largest sheet of falling water on Earth, thanks to its combined height and width. If you’re planning a trip to this natural spectacle, a helicopter tour of Victoria Falls is an absolute must!

Vista panorámica de las Cataratas Victoria en un día soleado
Victoria Falls

4. Iguazu Falls, Brazil & Argentina

The Iguazu Falls are one of the most impressive natural landscapes in the world and a favorite destination for any traveler going to Brazil or Argentina. Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, it can be visited from both the Argentine and Brazilian sides, both perfect to enjoy its famous path to the Garganta del Diablo (Devil’s Throat).

Arcoiris sobre las Cataratas de Iguazú
Iguazu Falls

5. Niagara Falls, Canada & United States

Another must-see on the list of 10 of the world’s tallest waterfalls is Niagara Falls, located on the border between the United States and Canada. Its fame is not due to its height, 52 meters (170 feet), but rather for its amplitude and its 3,000 tons of water per second of fall. We recommend a trip to Niagara Falls from Toronto or New York.

Cataratas del Niágara con el skyline de Toronto
Niagara Falls

6. Skógafoss, Iceland

The Skógafoss waterfall is certainly one of Iceland’s most popular attractions. This impressive waterfall, featuring a drop of more than 60 meters (190 feet), is located in one of the country’s most impressive landscapes. Water cascades over a bed of black stones that contrast with the emerald-green color of the slopes. Sounds beautiful, right? This breathtaking scenery even appeared in the popular series, Vikings!

Contraste de la arena negra con el salto de agua

7. Vinnufallet, Norway

Next up on our list of 10 of the world’s tallest waterfalls is the Vinnufallet Waterfall, in Norway. This waterfall boasts the title of the highest waterfall in Europe, with a depth of 865 meters (2837 feet). Located near the town of Sunndalsøra, accessing it is very easy, so you have no excuse not to visit on your next trip to Norway!

Vista completa de las diferentes cataratas de la Cascada Vinnufallet

8. Yosemite Falls, United States

Although Niagara Falls is the most famous, Yosemite Falls is also one of the tallest waterfalls in North America, at 739 meters (2424 feet). To see this spectacular cascade, head to Yosemite National Park, one of the most popular nature destinations in the western United States.

Atardecer en el parque nacional de Yosemite
Yosemite Falls

9. Olo’upena Falls, United States

Boasting a 900-meter (2952 feet) drop, Olo’upena Falls, on the Hawaiian island of Molokai, is surrounded by mountains and has a constant supply of water thanks to the frequent rains. Plus, the currents cause a series of consecutive falls from the cliff’s edge, creating a truly extraordinary sight.

Paisaje verde de las montañas de Hawaii con la catarata al fondo
Olo’upena Falls

10. Epupa Falls, Namibia

Lastly, we have Epupa Falls. Located in one of the most remote points of Namibia, Epupa Falls is a real oasis for nature lovers. This waterfall on the Kunene River is one of the most important in southern Africa. Although it has a maximum drop of 20 meters (65 feet), it produces a stunning landscape full of consecutive falls between the rocks. An awe-inspiring way to close a journey to the world’s most impressive waterfalls!

Vistas de las Cataratas Epupa durante el día
Epupa Falls, one of the biggest waterfalls in the world

There you have some of the biggest waterfalls in the world. Of course, there are many more gigantic waterfalls out there. Let us know, did we miss any? Leave a comment down below with your answers!

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9 thoughts on “10 of the World’s Tallest Waterfalls

  1. \”10 of the world\’s tallest waterfalls\” should be changed to \”10 of the best waterfalls in the world\”, since many of these aren\’t very tall.

  2. Letchworth park in western NY is not listed the middle falls is higher than Niagara falls.

  3. Letchworth park in western NY is not mentioned. The middle falls is spectacular and considerably higher than Niagara fall.

  4. This is misleading. Niagara Falls is not even in the top 50 tallest water falls in the world.

    1. Hi Rob, thanks for the comment! This post simply aims to show 10 of our favourite tall waterfalls, and the best to visit. We’ll be sure to update it soon to make that clearer! Thanks again.

  5. WOW I just love waterfalls I can\’t wait to be able to see one of those places.

  6. Wikipedia: The Augrabies Falls have recorded 7,800 cubic metres (280,000 cu ft) of water every second in floods in 1988 (and 6,800 cubic metres (240,000 cu ft) in the floods of 2006). This is over three times the average high season flow rate of Niagara Falls of 2,400 cubic metres (85,000 cu ft) per second, more than four times Niagara’s annual average, and greater than Niagara’s all-time record of 6,800 cubic metres (240,000 cu ft) per second.

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